Run 600
Hares: Some ungodly gaggle of goofs
Location: GreatFalls VA
Well lets see, it is late on Thursday and I am just now starting to think about writing this double edition of the Trash. Hey, at least I am one day ahead of a typical BlankCheck Trash - and two days ahead of a typical BurntSox Trash. Since major overtime hours of work have killed off most of those brains cells holding information about the Anniversary and HangOver runs, I guess I'll just have to make-up some stuff. No different than any other Trash when you get down to it.

The 600th started like any other Anniversary run - you were surrounded by some 200 of your closest friends and potential lovers. So what if you never met them before tonight. It is a blue moon and this is a Hash. Anything can happen, and often does. Consider for a moment the Hash Icon, PussyWhipped. He arrived mostly clothed and missing large portions of his hair! Several women mentioned that he actually looked kind-of cute. Where else but at a Blue Moon Hash could you ever hear such talk. Too bad he couldn't rekindle the moment with the BathTowelBabe from the HalloweenieRun. She must be suffering from a "Samson" syndrome.

Anyway, the run started from the VFW after a rousing 'Ather Abraham led by our own flounders - Dribbler and SnowFairy. The hares began the trail by taking us across a busy road and into some paved trails. To make things a little more interesting, the hares carefully selected paths partially blocked with downed trees. It isn't enough of a challenge to have to look for the elusive white stuff, find safe footing, and not run over a neighboring Hasher - in the dark (blue moon or not, it was still dark out there). But now we had the added pleasure of eye-poking tree branches and ankle-wrenching debris to keep us stepping lively. And that is exactly what we did. Everyone had a chance to be the lead FRB. As scary as it sounds, and it was scary, at one point we actually found ourselves following after HawaiianPuke. No, his shirt did not provide any additional light. There were too many other FRBs to mention by name.

Trail wound past the Spring Hill Recreation center, past a church or school (they all look like in the dark - sort of like women when they stand on their heads) and then we headed into the woods! It is freaking cold and dark and the hares have us wandering into briars, muck, mire, and water. It was a GRAND trail. Throughout this section of our adventure, some kindly Hashers would pull back the more deadly tree branches, clearing a path for the others. Or so we thought. Often these HashBastards would let loose the branches just as you got in range. Of course there were the "Sorry, I didn't see you!" recourse. Hah! One set of HashBastards went so far as to lay-in-wait for unsuspecting Walkers to pass by. I'm guessing they were hoping to get lucky and knock a couple of Hasherettes loopy. Too bad the Walkers were on a different trail all together. Well, not too bad for the Walkers.

After crossing through some disgusting smelling muck, the pack emerged onto Old Dominion Drive, you know, the little itty-bitty back road where big trucks and drunk Northern Virginians haul butt. And of course, there were no shoulders. It was here that we lost trail for good. The pack wandered in all directions for what seemed to be hours and nary a spot of flour could be found. Plenty of angry motorists, but no trail. Finally, MissingLink claimed he knew where to go and headed up the road- alone. It was MissingLink after all. Eventually a Hare drove by (drunken Northern Virginian I am told) and informed the pack that true trail was up the road - the route Link took. Duh. We ran for miles before anyone spied a dollop of flour. Alas that flour took us into the mud pits from hell. I am willing to bet that there is a mastodon buried in one of those pits - at least that is what it smelled like. Finally, coming to our senses, we headed up the road and under the guidance of CunningRunt (can you say HalfWits - OK so she does have a nice butt and it is fun to follow after her thinking about....well enough said) we entered the UnEnchanted Forest. Yes, the last part of this magnificent trail was a wending path through the forested hills and dales of GreatFalls. Briars, burrows, trees, more briars and finally, knee-wrenching logs, were everywhere. The worst hashing incident in this section of the trail was when CunningRunt ran into a curtain of thorns. She became so entangled, and pricked, that it took three (3) Hashers to extract her. Of course, they also forced her to continue leading the way, just in case there were more "Curtains Of Death."

One final jaunt along a semi-paved trail and in we came. 'Twas here that ByteLightning announced his retirement from Hashing. Yes, folks, Byte is hanging up his Hashing Shoes (and the HashIt). The following conversation excerpt was donated by Steamer:

Byte: I'm quittin' the Hash because I finished behind YesDear.
Steamer: Don't worry Byte, you know how THOSE people cheat...
Byte: Yeah! That's right! Those damn White Guys always be cheatin!!!

He later recanted his resignation and torched YesDear's butt at the HangOverHash. Welcome back Mr Lightning.

At the DownDown the crowd was treated to a bazillion pizzas (despite Wilburr's remonstrations, there was plenty of food) and beer galore. There had to be as HardDrive was heard to be thinking about marrying his sister. It's time for an intervention - he spends way too much time working in West Virginia.

The first to be honored were all the hares. All of them. Those with birthdays in the month of January stepped forward and drank. Immediately following these sots were the Anniversarians - Byte and StainedSheets. Yes Link, Byte got a jacket and you didn't. Nah, Nah, Of course, Byte's jacket was two sizes to small and he gave it away to FlyTheFriendlyThighs - or some lookalike. As a final encore, all of the past Mount Vernon Grand Masters were called forward. At this point, the current MountVernon MisManagement stepped out from the crowd to perform the Official Blue Moon salute. Alas, under the keen leadership of DualAirBags, the proper ordering of the mismanagement butts was screwed and we spelled something like MO - UE - BL - ON. The most fucked-up scrabble "MOON" ever in Mount Vernon History. HashFastFact: In order to be able to paint the letters on FMB's behind, he had to NAIR the sucker! And, DABs has a baby-soft tush!

Then a touching moment was had by all. When they finished touching each other and wiping up, BlackBox was awarded a stunning black fleece pullover with a bright yellow embroidered Mount Vernon emblem. It will look so good over those luscious breasts. Hem! At this point in the rituals, HolidayHo presented DrinksOnMeBud (leader of the White Boys Can't Dance US Olympic Team) with a new mug and was summarily handcuffed to the beast. Last I saw, she was flung over DUMB's shoulder as he was headed to his Bud-Van!

The festivities continued on into the night with many little surprises being uncovered. First, CallGirl is no longer available to general male Hashing public. No, she is not a switch hitter. She went and got herself engaged - at least it is to a hasher. Second we found out just how REALLY hot a man FullMetalBalls is - he had to change his clothes twice. And, this was before the special "Sex Line Dance." I just have to note the special "LeaveItToBeaver" Ward and June Cleaver sweetness that SpreadSheets and Jeff added to our evening. Yuck! Furthering the commotion was poor BlankCheck. CheapSlut likes to say that "It is a poor craftsman that blames his tools." But you know, Blank's "tools" had troubles throughout the night. But then again, they obviously worked much better at home under Rutro's tutelage - where it really counts - which is why 7Minutes had to drink at the HangOver Run. Big disconnect there for me too. See below - in the text you heathens! The most lasting image in my mind was a sorry one: MissingLink and Steers-N-Queers karioking "Stand By Your Man." There have never been so many prayers offered to the gods for deafness or a freak bolt of lightning!

And now it is time for a HoHo break - the snack food 4 out of 5 Scribes recommend when writing these tall tales....
And now it is time for a HoHo break - the snack food 4 out of 5 Scribes recommend when writing these tall tales....