Run 599
Hares: MissingLink & Dr. Strangelove
Location: Burke, VA

"I refuse to cum unless Byte is present."
Run 599

Does this give you an idea of how damned good today's run was.? I thought so.

It started like most MVH3 Hashes - totally mucked-up. While this week's directions were quite explicit (even Cap'n Titanic didn't have any trouble finding the start), many of the pre-mature cummers remembered last week's "Commuter Parking Lot" and began parking along the road, rather than traveling an additional quarter mile to the parking lot only to have to turn around again. You see, you can teach a Hasher a new trick. Anyway, this behavior so annoyed MissingLink, that he wandered on down to the HashCash (ThreeTimesALady - who, based on his comments about SpinalTap at the last Mis-Management meeting, will soon be renamed to ThreeTimesALady-and-OneTimeAMan) and forced him to shift to the parking lot. This started a mass relocation effort that was soon a frigging mess: the three open spaces were quickly snatched. And speaking of snatches, CallGirl was wearing panties under that long shirt...many of us can personally attest to that fact.

It wasn't long before we reached a critical mass and, lacking any Wesson Oil, the hares were let loose with the call "HaresOff". Interestingly, it took them almost three minutes to get their act together and begin laying trail. It seems Dr. Strangelove was "tied-up" with some young thing and, well, he just couldn't pullout. That would be rude. After arriving at the finish (Dr. Strangelove's CASTLE) it is easy to see why he gets that kind of attention. You go boy!

Once the hares were off, Rina took the opportunity to crap right in the middle of the mal-formed 'Ather Abraham circle. Ever prepared and always a good citizen, BlankCheck cleaned-up after his bitch which is more that can be said for CallGirl and Kanga - and right in front of the school yard No Pets sign. Her comment about the blessed event: "Oh well. Why should I care? I don't have kids going to this school!"

Byte (who went to McDonald's for a pre-Hash feast and did not bring back any treats for the pack! Can you say HashIt?) led the troops down the path and through the first check. At the next check, Dr. Jekyll took half the pack with him down to the slippery bridge from hell where he did some totally outrageous acrobatics. Unfortunately, he could not overcome gravity and crashed hard. To make matters even worse, it was a BT.

True trail ended-up crossing Burke Center Parkway and continuing down one slick hill to the railroad tracks. DejaVu? 'Twas a quick jaunt by BonzaiBen's House (where is Bonzai these days?) and a loop around da-lake before crossing over the tracks once again. We did the loop around Lake Barcroft - required whenever you host a run in Burke - with Buddha in the lead. Can you believe that? It wasn't long before the FRBs caught-up to Buddha. Now be forewarned: BUDDHA DOES NOT PLAY NICE! Even though the trail conditions were decidedly dangerous, Buddha thought it great fun to step directly in front of hashers trying to pass him, even if you called out "PASSING". Please be careful around Buddha, he can't be trusted.

The next check caught all of the FRBs with their pants around their ankles. What a sight. Eventually true trail was found and a lovely cross country adventure was begun. Nothing like running along wet leaves, and wet roots. Eventually we emerged from the woods and scooted across the Fairfax County Parkway. It was here that the walkers were espied (Hah! You didn't think that I would forget to use that word in the trash now did you?). The led the pack to the last check. As fate would have it, Dr. Jekyll and CunningRunt arrived at the check just as the Walkers started to hunt for true trail. Forgetting the primary rule for all FRBs (DON'T TRUST WALKERS) they believed the calls of BT and headed on down another route. Some hours later, they wandered into the finish.


The finish was truly magnificent. We could congregate under Dr Strangelove's stunning screened and covered back porch or make use of the huge dance lounge he calls the basement - including a Karioke setup, kegs on tap, a twirling lighted disco ball, and mirrored walls. To top it off, the hares served-up some pretty awesome chili-dogs and potato salad. Everyone (including DualAirBags) was in a great mood.

The hares drank first for having an outstanding run. No one dared say anything bad about the run lest they be forced from this heavenly enclave. That was doubly apparent when the ReligiousAdvisor invited those willing to sleep with, be adopted by, or who wanted to just live in the house with Dr. Strangelove to step forward so that he could choose from among them! FullMetalBalls promised to be a good bitch - but then again, he always promises that.
There were no virgins.

Two visitors were honored: BloodyVaginalReject and BullShit.

As for returners: BladeRuner, Rambo, KeepTheSteers, I'llTakeThe?, WombBroom, MarcScott, RamButt, and Dahmer. The anniversarians included: 6YenMan (25); PinkiePenis (45), ScrewsEverybody (69); Fire&Ice (100); ToreAss (115); Rutro (145); Dr. Jekyll (285) and ByteLightning (300).
There was one naming and it was a fiasco until we learned that Lucas Jackson wanted a really disgusting name. So, henceforth and forever more throughout the world of Hashing, Lucas will be known as ChickenFucker. I have no idea how we got to this name, but I do believe it has to do with having a group of half-wits drinking beer, smelling really bad and being surrounded with mirrored walls.

The true fun came about with the announcements of VIOLATIONS: Dahmer, Rutro, BadDog and HawaiianPuke (LateSignIn); DualAirBags, StainedSheets and YesDear (fashion statement for all wearing the same top); DualAirBags (straining the Scribe's wrist by forcing him to hold up one of her boobs while she adjusted her jog-bra); CallGirl/Kanga (environmental on trail); Rutro and BlankCheck (sex at the downdown. Again I say, if you don't have enough for us all to share, you can't have any either); RangerDick (noting that last week's run was listed at $5 and only paying $4, as well as mentioning the error to the Scribe - read my disclaimer you heathens); RangerDick, Fire&Ice; *69, FullMetalBalls, ToreAss and 14K (fashion statement - wearing jeans to the DownDowns); HymenDickOver (marking checks the wrong way so that he could stay near the front); Rambo (penis surfing with DualAirBags. It seems to me he should have earned our respect for this feat, but the pack felt different.); DualAirBags (dumping everyone's dry clothes bags to the ground, tossing them aside until she could find hers. She didn't know what her bag looked like because it was new!); BecauseHeCan (whining about running in the warm weather, while having goose-bumps); DoesItForFree (breaking a hot dog in half with tongs - in front of male hashers. Oooh.); Hares (Dahmer cooler filled with sodas - again); CheapSlut (wearing a racing shirt and having a nudie magazine in his run bag); Dribbler (wearing a racing shirt - and yes it counts no matter what your time was); DreamBeaver (for asking permission to touch the backside of HandsSolo and calling him by his formal nerd name-Mr. Albanese, HandSolo- Mr. Albanese (for being so old that a gal who dated his son in high school had to help push his big behind up a hill) and the worst offense of all, BlazingStraddles, who went to England and hashed about twenty times, but never once brought forth the vaunted MVH3 HashIt.

The awarding of the HashIt was a no brainer: BlazingStraddles. However, in an ironic twist of fate, BigBirdTurd was awarded the item when it was announced that he would be turning into a Grand Master (WhiteHouse) that evening. Even more ironic, with the announced departure of BurntSox and 7Minutes, Byte requested that we all bring one of our black friends to the next Hash so that he wouldn't be all alone in the Hash. Some how this got turned into whining and well, Byte took the HashIt home again.

The last telling note about the true greatness of today's adventure was during the Announcements. BlackBox leapt forward and started screeching "this evening" over and over again. It was all the crowd needed, breaking into a horrible rendition of "This Evening". Thankfully they only knew one verse.

There is simply nothing more to say.

And remember,
Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot.
Dr. Jekyll
> There is simply nothing more to say.

And remember,
Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot.
Dr. Jekyll