Run 597
Hares: BecauseHeCan, MudBuns and Dirty&Hairy
Location: Snow Covered Hills of Kilimanjaro

Today's gathering was bleak, wet, snowy, and COLD. All I could think as we began our jaunt down the road to the start was - "Thank goodness I don't have to set the Hash today!".It seems this same sentiment was echoed by all in attendance, including the hares.

If you arrived at the start early, you had a good chance at getting parking space. However, since most of our clan is habitually late (it has something to do with being old and memory loss, I think), they had to battle the parents of the girl's basketball team for the scant parking spaces. Experienced hashers like LizBert (who screeched out "S**T" just as one of these young athletes wandered by with her family) and RotoRouter (who was doing 360's down the road toward the school, had no problem finding a space. Parents are happy to keep as much distance as possible between the likes of these Hashers and their young-uns.

Just before the hares departed, two very interesting events occurred. First the Hares sought out an FRB to carry a map of the course! They were concerned that we might get lost. YIKES. This is a very bad sign. How the heck will the rest of the pack be able to find anything if the FRBs can't? Well the answer is, they can't. It was even worse for the walkers - no map or shortcut. To make things even bleaker, BadDog was walking this day and well, his sense of direction SUCKS. SpreadSheets and LizBert (walker babes) were on true trail meandering forward many times when BadDog would yell ONON! (even though he was not on trail), pulling them into the woods to get lost, cold, and wet. While pulling female hashers into the woods is normally a grand idea (you never know when you will get lucky), doing this in the middle of a nasty, cold, and wet day is just plain STUPID. Remember Lorena Bobbit! In fact, isn't this type of behavior for which we invented the HashIt?

The second event was when BecauseHeCan asked us to keep an eye out for his wife. She had the key that would open the bag vehicle - you know, the place where we stash our warm clothes. The description he left was certainly telling as well - she has brown hair. Double DUH. Naturally it was Wilburr, who is on permanent scan for lone women wandering in parking lots, who spotted the dame. Thankfully, the Scribe (that's me) espied Wilburr stalking the woman and quickly interceded.

After learning that the Scribe had a map, DualAirBags decreed that it should be turned over to her for safe keeping. While she argued that it was better for the pack to have the map, so that more folks could make it to the finish, her ulterior motive was clear as the run got underway. It seems DABs has always aspired to be a FRB and well, when there is no flour to follow, SHE with the map becomes critical to getting to the food and beer. So, we waited at each check until DABs arrived and graced us with an announcement of which road to follow. Yes, she did send the FRBs down several BTs while she attempted to gain the lead. Silly woman.

And that is basically the trail. Ninety (90) minutes (unless you were a walker - 120+ mintues) of no flour and plenty of ice water, slippery iced tunnels, slick streets, angry motorists and waiting for DABs to tell us where to go (literally). So much for a continuation of a stellar start to the NewYear.


Thankfully there were no virgins and only one Visitor: Harvey Beaulieu. Returners included: BadDog, ReEntry and 38Long.

Anniversarians included: DuckJob (15); BigBirdTurd (95); MudBuns (165); PoopDeck (245); BavarianBush (245) and MissingLink (475). 475 Runs! My GAWD! I didn't think we could count that high. Someone get this man a life.
There was one naming. Alas, I slept through most of this (the cold takes it toll on the old and infirm) and only the know the result: Speedie was renamed to IceChest.

Violations: IceChest, HymenDickOver, BrambelBush, BurntSox (LateSignIn); IceChest (running in only a jog bra - how did I miss that?); HawaiianPuke and Wilburr(boasting about being real men); Hares (just because); PoopDeck (making yellow snow); IndecentProposal (plastic wear - huh? This is the last time I sleep through the DownDowns); BiteMeElmo (using change to pay for the hash); DuckJob (birthday and fashion statement); HardDrive (forgeries) and BrambleBush (a new front loading bra).

BlankCheck was voted most likely to receive the HashIt, but in a move of incredible stupidity, RotoRouter was the awardee: "I was just handing it to BlankCheck." But, and she does have a nice one at that, our own BlazingStraddles actually got to take it home. She dis'ed MVH3. BS wanted to know why the MVH3 warmups cost more than the ones WhiteHouse was selling. Some women are just safer left in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.

Till next week...
If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman to there to hear him, is he still wrong?

DJ t, and there is no woman to there to hear him, is he still wrong?