Run 594
Hares: QuickDrawers & DualAirBags
Location: Foul-Mouth VA

For all of you who stayed home - too bad. You missed one of the greatest runs of all time. It was incredible: all down hill, no water crossings, no mud, no shiggy, warm weather, a perfect paced jaunt for gossiping with your friends, Hasher-friendly checks, plenty of gorgeous scenery (the trail was nice too) and plenty of ice-cold delicious beer at the finish served by buxom, blonde wenchitas (pronounced `when-cheetas`). All of this and it was FREE. Yep, because of the low turnout, in anticipation of the trail you ran today, and as a nice little pre-Christmas gift, the Hares put all of this on for FREE. You losers! Next time you should think about heading South for a "real" winter run and get your big-ole sorry butts out of bed...this means you too HardDrive.

True the drive to FoulMouth VA did require a three-day head start, appropriate VISA and Passport validations as well as consent from the State Department (I won't mention the need for the health shots 'cause I'm a nice guy.) and a hefty supply of road food. But think of the all the adventures you could have had during the ride - we (that would be the Runt and I) counted 3 women giving their boyfriends/whatever that special "heads-up". Now there's a way to "blow" a couple of minutes (maybe even 7 Minutes) on the trip - eh? Then there was Santa and that nice woman who pulled into the No-Tell Motel (while we were gassing up the truck for the third time) to open up their "packages". There is even a chance for life-and-death drama - we were nearly run off the road by some big huk'n semi-tractor trailer. Why did the truck decide to change lanes right then? Who knows, but think of the excitement you just missed. Besides, where else but Foul Mouth VA can you see real, living rednecks in their natural environment, or men/boys driving big-wheeled trucks covered in mud with a mouthful of chew'n 'baccy? Well you could go to Maryland, but who would want to drive that far? And only here in rural Virginia can you see why the Government wants/needs to institute a mandatory waiting period for the purchase of guns...just look at who is carrying them. You gotta love this country.

Anniversarians: CorkScrewed (169); StainedSheets/Gorbachev (395); CheapSlut (445). It would appear that CheapSlut now has a life. Because of this fact and in order to stifle Gorbie's incessant whining, Gorbie was officially crowned as the "Leader of the Get A Life Club".

Virgins: Doug Brown. Yes, he must have been a true virgin for he was bleeding when FMB finished him off. He was temporarily named as CloningGoneBad as he looked remarkably like WhiteLightning, or was it BarneySoreAss. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Visitors: Paul Brown - relation to Doug Brown? Only their mothers know for sure. Paul was a visitor because, well, he was from Arlington VA and he wasn't real sure if he was still in the US at this point.

Returners: No Quickies.

Namings: Karen Rahlf was officially renamed as HolidayHo. This was to acknowledge her volunteer work with the homeless during this blessed season. Unfortunately for the male Hashers of our tribe, she will not "bless" them for anything less than $200 a pop. Don't ask how the Scribe knows all this. I know nothing. I see nothing. I touch no-one. I hear everything.

Violations: HairyBuddah, BenWaBalls (LateSignIn and sex on trail - with each other!!!); CheapSlut (LateSignIn - only has sex with himself); Deliverance (LateSignIn and never has sex); RedSnapper and WaterPark (officially designated walkers are not allowed to run. End of story! Both like to have lots of sex.); MissingLink (New eyes. Such pretty eyes. Yikes, I've been down south too long. Can spell sex.); BigBirdTurd - endangering the life of the Hash's bestest Golden Retriever (May have had sex once in elementary school but is not quite sure); Psycho (fashion styling and profiling, knows what sex is, but it is against his religion to do it) and FrenchToasted and Byte (racing, with FT actually getting ahead on Byte. Mind you it was a little white head - emphasis on the little. No need to describe their sex history any further.)

HashIt: CorkScrewed - for ignoring the direction of the pack and heading off to run his own trail; Buddah and BenWaBalls (see above); DougBrown (semi-officially named as either Junior or Jethro) - for not knowing how to tie up HolidayHo in honor of her 5th run; MudBuns - for not wearing the dinosaur hat given to her by the Scribe last week; and Hands Solo for blurting out something really stupid and mostly unintelligible after the nominations were concluded. HandsSolo "won".

That's it.

And remember...
Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.

DJ ...
Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.