Hash History Made With Second Annual Scribes Run

January 24, 1998 - Hash 546 - Mount Vernon Hash House Harriers

Hash History Made With Second Annual Scribes Run

by Yes Dear and Scoop

ALEXANDRIA, Va -- Defying impossible odds, the scribes and mystery hare, Camel Jumper, on Saturday set a trail that surpassed the high standards set during the first scribes run and may go down in MVH3 history as one of the best ever. "I don't know how they do it," said a humbled Byte, who also is a 'ho and joint master. "Their mastery of flour is unmatched." Still, not all hashers were satisfied. "I wish the trail could have been a lot longer like during the first scribes run," Cunning Runt said. Hashers gathered near the Giant parking lot by Seminary Road before beginning this most magnificent run. They ran through woods, across raging rivers, up majestic mountains, and down harrowing gullies. "There is nothing better than crossing a massive waterway on a wide, stable log that is not at all slippery," said Screws Everybody, who did a cha-cha on the natural bridge with husband-to-be Poop Deck. The hares trucked in hundreds of squirrels for the benefit of the hash hounds and their owners. "I was hoping for an upper body work out," said Steamer, another joint master. "Fortunately, the scribes provided Lucy with so many animals to chase that I constantly had to hold on to the leash for dear life. I can skip my weight lifting for a week now." At the on-in, hashers were treated to unprecedentedly chilled beer and soda. Fortunately, this run was in Virginia so the scribes could use the local ice rather than having to import like they did for the Maryland run. "Show me the ice," an obviously happy Dual Airbags said as she belly-flopped into the white, mega-cooler.

Hashers were in tears as they left, realizing that this great experience had come to end. "Let's run the trail again," Missing Link was heard to say on the trip back to the cars. e trip back to the cars.